
Showing posts from January, 2016

Katkina mamina

Je to veľmi skoro ráno a mráz v autobusovej stanici , keď vidim ze malé dievčatko na mňa pozeralo . Ona ťahá matkinu ruku a pýta sa šeptom : -Kto Je to ? Matka šepká späť do ucha, ale dosť nahlas , aby som počula : -To je Katkina mamina. Aha, ona ma pozna z ihriska s Katkou . Jej tvár zosvetľuje , usmieva sa , ona vlny na mňa kričí a hovorí mi, že sa chystá do škôlky . Aj ja sa smejem naspäť  . Katkina mamina , ake krásne a sladké to znie, ako moja duša sa meje s radosťou zakaždým krat, keď počujem tieto slová . Bol som volana veľa vecí v mojom živote , krásne veci a škaredé veci, mala som veľa titulov, ale nikdy necítila som sa tak dobre , ako keď som bol povolana Katkina mamina . Je to meno ktore nosim s hrdosťou . Neexistuje žiadny deň , hodina , minúta , sekunda v ktorej nepodakujem Bohu , že mu poslať Katka do môjho života, a urobil mi Katkina mamina .

Katkina mamina

It is very early in the morning and freezing cold in the bus station when i suddenly see a small girl staring at me couriously. She pulls her mother's hand and asks in a whisper: -Kto je to? (Who is that?) The mother whispers back into her ear but loud enough for me to hear: -To je Katkina mamina. (That is Katka's mommny). Aha, that's from were she know me, from the playground with Katka. Her face lightens, she smiles, she waves at me, shouts and tells me she is going to kindergarden. I wave back and smile. The other mother and me look at each other and smile. Katkina mamina, how beautiful aand sweet it sounds, how my soul laughes with gladness every time i hear these words. I have been called many things in my life, beautiful things and ugly things, i have had many titles but never felt so good as when i was called Katkina mamina. It is a name i bear with pride. There is no day, hour, minute, second in which i do not thank God that He send Katka into my life,

Advent in Slovakia

Starting with begining of the month of December in Slovakia, as in all the other Catholic countries starts one of he most beautiful period of the year: the Advent. The shops are full of toys and presents, there are Christmass trees everywhere, the Christmas markets are opened and the atmosphere is christmassy. The Advent for the religious people of Slovakia is also a time of spiritual preparation for Christmass, for receiving the new born child. The Advent starts with the First Sunday of Advent, 4 weeks before the Christmass. Every family buys a wreath of artificial flowers with 4 beautiful candles in it and they bring it to the church to be blessed. The Mass on the First Sunday of Advent marks the lighting of the first candle. At home each family will light another candle every sunday until Christmass day. Advent is a time of making peace and finding yourself spiritually. People go to confession, they go to church more offen or do charitable work. It is a time for buy