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Ako Boh stvoril posledný hmyz

 Chceme vám predstaviť Katkin obľúbený rumunský príbeh: Ako Boh stvoril posledný hmyz. Napísal to jeden z našich najväčších spisovateľov Emil Garleanu. Ale niečo som zmenil, takže to bude pre malé deti krajšie a Katka to pýta mnohokrát večer pred spaním.     Bol to 6. deň stvorenia a Boh sedel a sledoval všetko čo stvoril, modrá obloha, zelená tráva, krásne kvety po všetkých kopcoch, vtáky lietajúce na oblohe a malé zvieratá okolo šumivých jazero a všetko bolo také krásne a dobré. A cítil to vo svojom srdci ze chce vytvoriť ešte jedno a posledné zviera. Preto nazýva všetky malé tí, ktorí okolo neho behali. „Chcem vam vytvoriť nového priateľa, ale tentoraz to chcem počuť váš názor, tak choďte a porozprávajte sa medzi sebou a dajte mi vedieť ako chcete, aby toto stvorenie vyzeralo? " Ale zvieratá túto správu nepotešili. „Boh nemá nič iné robit, čo, nestačíme mu?“ „Tento posledný bude milovať najviac.“ „Zje všetko naše jedlo, je nás príliš veľa.“ A tak sa malé zviera rozhodlo zahrať


If there is a place in Bratislava that I love the most it is Rusovce. Rusovce is a part of Bratislava town, it is located at the end of Petrzalka and on the right bank of the Danube river. It is bordering with both Hungary and Austria. You can cross the border with Hungary directly from Rusovce and enter Rajka, we went very often to have lunch in the Rajka restaurant on the weekends and then returned back to Slovakia. From Rusovce you can also go by bike via the fields in Rusovce and end up in Austria. Some people go for a nice ride on the bike there and back. Rusovce is a place full of history, it was ocupied since old times and it was a roman guardpost called Gerulata. It is also the meeting point of 3 borders, the Slovak one, the Hungarian and the Austrian. It has old historical buildings and churches, it is close to the Danube and the Rusovce lake. The first thing you see when entering Rusovce is beautiful small houses, white, yellow or green, surrounded by green gardens, full of f


    My husband and I are sometimes very proud of both being Danube children. When I first came to Bratislava the thing i loved the most was the Danube, and my favourite song was and always will be Blue Danube. It is sometimes weird to think that the same water passing through Bratislava will in a few weeks pass also my home town Braila. Braila is the city where I was born and raised, it is our romanian beauty on the Danube, it is a city full of history and architecture, of nature and green, full of parks and gardens. Initially a fishersman village, it was taken by the Ottoman empire and transformed into a turkish raja, it was burned by the Moldavian princes many times because it was a concurence their cities on the Danube. The city has always been a rich port over the Danube, however it had also sad and bloody history. It was burned and distroyed many times, but everytime it came back to life and prospered. Braila went through her best and richest period in the middle of the 19 century