
Showing posts from 2020

Kapitalistický pomaranč alebo rumunská revolúcia vidieť očami dieťaťa

Pred pár dňami mi kolega zo základnej školy poslal fotku z čias, keď sme boli malí. Spoznala som to okamžite, to bolo na výlet s triedou do hôr, vyskúšať minerálne pramene v Slanic Moldavsku. Spýtala som sa svojho kolegu, ktorý rok obraz bol zhotovený a on mi poslať na zadnej strane, kde to bolo napísané ceruzkou: september 1989. Ukázala som to svojim kolegom v práci a dostala som len úsmevy a väčšina z nich neboli schopni ma spoznať. "Je to ako z iného storočia," povedal jeden z mojich kolegov, potom bol tichý a uvedomil si, že on vlastne volal ma stara. No, v porovnaní s ním, ktorý ma 19 som samozrejme stara.Chcela som mu povedať niečo ironické, ale v tej chvíli som videla niečo na obrázku. Veľmi malé, takmer nie je vidieť, ak neviete, čo to bolo, na ľavom ramene bundy som videla môje pionierske číslo. Každý mladý žiak, ktorý sa stal pionier, si zvykol stále nosiť číslo, ktoré si museli nosiť na bunde, aby sa ľudia mohli obrátiť na školu a chváliť sa alebo sa sťažovať na na

The capitalistic orange or the Romanian revolution seen through the eyes of a child

    A few days ago a colleague from primary school send me a picture from when we were small. I recognized it immediately, it was on a trip with the class to the mountains, to try the mineral springs in Slanic Moldova. I asked my colleague which year the picture was taken and he send me the back of it, where it was written in pencil: September 1989. I showed it to my work colleagues and I received all smiles and most of them were not able to recognize me. "It it like from another century", one of my work colleagues said, then he was quiet realizing that he actually called me old. Well, comparing to him , who is 19 i am obviously old. I was about to tell him something ironical but in that moment I saw something in the picture. Very small, almost not visible if you do not know what it was, on the left shoulder of my jacket I saw my pioneer number. Every young pupil becoming a pioneer used to get a number, which he was obliged to wear on his jacket all the time, so people would


Mallorca is one of our most favorite summer vacation locations. As we visited many times the wonderful CanPastilla we believed it is time to try another location, the very famous Palma Nova, or by it's name New Palma. Our plane landed on the Palma airport in the evening and a bus was already waiting for us to take us to our location. We arrived late in the night at the Hotel Dolphin so it was no time to better view the surroundings . However we had a nice surprise as the hotel's restaurant was opened for our small group to have a late night snack before going to bed. Then we were shown to our room and we again we were pleasantly surprised to have a family room with two huge beds, a large bathroom and a beautiful balcony with low hanging branches of red flower, a dryer for wet clothes and a table with chairs. On the next morning on the way to breakfast we admired the hotel, a large beautiful white hotel with wooden balconies. The blue pool was surrounded by palm t